Guarantee a Good Day

Good days are WAY too important to make them an accident.  Here’s how to guarantee them…

Rule of thumb:  Don’t check your email/phone/facebook first thing in the morning.

This puts you in reactionary mode. You’re responding to other people’s worlds, rather than creating your own.  That means you let the forces around you dictate your entire day, and that’s a big gamble. You may not even notice the effects until you take a good look at your mild annoyances, never-ending to-do list, interruptions from co-workers… and see how much power they have over you. 

There are many morning rituals to follow, but after years of experimentation here’s what works best for me.  I often vary up the order of these things, depending on my mood:

1. 15 minutes of mediation
I set a timer and sit there for 15 minutes, and just breathe and observe. No judgments at all. I am watching my own thoughts but sometimes I become the thoughts.  When I realize I’m doing this, I re-center, and notice again.  Freedom from thought does not mean NO thoughts. It means realizing I am NOT my thoughts.  My thoughts are a residue of memories, fantasies, worries, and all kinds of other things.  They are not ME.  The more I get in touch with the observer, the more I am free.

2. Theme song
I pick a theme song for the day, and often jump around on my rebounder while listening (and singing) to it.  It’s like a natural form of coffee, and it’s great for the lymphatic system.

3. Program my brain

I like to proactively put thoughts I want into my brain. Inspiring books are great for this. I’m particularly inspired by A Course in Miracles. I find it mind-blowing. I read one section (2 pages) and one workbook exercise every morning. Per Tim Ferriss’ recommendation, I now read with the Philips Blu-light, a remarkable device that helps me get my sunlight, and generally lifts moods, especially in the winter.

4. Get into motion
I like to run around for 10 minutes or more. Gets the blood going. Sometimes I will either mix in the theme song, or I will run silently and think about that for which I’m grateful.  Gratitude immediately replaces most negative emotions. I find that the more specific I am, the better it works. So rather than think about being thankful for my parents, I think about specific things I appreciate about them.

5. A good breakfast
I can’t believe how many people skip this. After years of playing with different approaches to food, I find that the slow carb diet works phenomenally well.  All you have to do is read this short plan for the slow food diet, and that’s all you really need to know.  I like to mix this with green smoothies during the day, popularized in Green for Life.  Amazing way to get your veggies and greens in a drink.

I do all of this before touching the computer.  Try it.  The cosmic joke is that freedom comes through constraints.


How to Go from Zero to 60 on your projects.

How to Go from Zero to 60 on your projects.


I recently had a break through. I was staring at my list of 2011 goals, in sheer terror. It was one of those moments where I could only sit there. It wasn’t as if someone handed me this list of goals. I set them myself. So there was no one to blame.  I couldn’t pretend I was the victim of an oppressive boss.  And my email inbox was empty, so there was nothing left to distract me…  It was just me and the goals.  


So I reached out rather than suffered alone.  And in a conversation with friend and coach, Shelli Johnson we created solutions to the problem.


Here are the tips to go from 0-60 on your project.


NOTE: This assumes you are actually excited about what you’re doing. Remember there is only one answer when you ask yourself if you want to do something. The answer is“Hell yes!” If that’s not the answer, then you need to drop it, get someone else to do it, or get a new job.


For those with the passion, here’s how you get rollin…

1.       Focus on the High Leverage

Not all projects are equal. High leverage means the ratio of input to output is extremely high. Put a little in, get a ton out of it.  That can mean picking venture with higher margins, a project where you already have the resources ready to go, or look at your project list. Which are the most important ones?  Zone in on those, and use remainder time for the others.

2.       Find the Overlap

If you have a ton of different projects, release yourself from the belief that they must all be completed. That can take a lot of the burden off, and for those that remain, we can use pattern recognition to see cross-overs.  Look at similar projects that can be combined, or results of one project that can feed another.  Find the synergies.

3.       Share ownership             

You never have to go it alone. Think about who else can help. Think beyond co-workers. Think of mentors, interns, partners, advisors.  Don’t carry this alone. There are very few things in this world we can do alone.

4.       Check Yo Self

Richard Branson said working out gives him an extra three hours of productivity. At a minimum, take a walk and gain perspective. Seriously, you’re most likely not saving lives, and soon enough you will completely forget about this moment entirely, so why stress over it?  Once you start realize how silly you’re being, productivity comes back.

5.       Create a sense of progress

Some of the best executing companies in the world (like IDEO), make their ideas very visible and track their progress. One easy technique is to use kanban boards.  It’s important that they inspire as much as they remind.

6.       Calendar it out

Face it. Your time is limited. Get realistic – put down the deadline and the major milestones on calendar. You’ll feel better, and you’ll get real with yourself on what’s really possible and what’s not.

7.       Make sure to celebrate

Okay, this one may sound silly but it’s really related to productivity.  Celebrate the wins! Have a party, play a theme song, jump up and down, do shots…whatever you gotta do. I admit to not knowing the science behind it. I just know it works (and it feels good).



That’s it. I’d love to hear your comments about what works for you.




Willingness: The uber value

Values are the DNA that run our lives.  Whatever it is that drives you, there's a value there. Whatever you wish you had more of, there's a value there.  What you admire in others…a value.

But what if certain values were more valuable than others?  What if there was a value that created leverage for us to achieve all the other values?

To me that value is willingness…

Willingness to try new things.
Willingness to listen.
Willingness to follow your heart.
Willingness to be wrong, or even do what's "wrong."
Willingness to act irrationally.
Willingness to do it, despite the fear.
Willingness to fail.

It's had a huge impact on my life over the past several months…

I spent half my life trying to be vegetarian, now I'm experimenting with the Paleo diet, and learning from all the vegans who have debunked the China Study. I grew up Jewish and studied it intensely, now I'm learning immensely from the channeled readings of Christ in A Course in Miracles. I'm even dating the kind of women I thought I would never be with, and I'm having a blast.

Willingness disarms a very dangerous belief. It's the belief that we know what's best for ourselves and for others. Now keep in mind, the keyword here is "belief."   How many times in your life have you wanted something (or somebody), and then it wasn't all that great? Now instead imagine you are willing to let go of your desires. Imagine that maybe you don't know what's best for you. But you're willing to experience, to listen, to fully engage in the moment.  Then rather than imagining what's good for you (a belief), you will know it for certain. 

That's the process of knowing. I call it real-time fulfillment.
